

Ref nr[1]: Project[2] title : TA to the Executive Agency of the Watershed Management Project in Oued Mellah and Allal El Fassi Dam Upper Watersheds

Sector covered [3]:11 Environment/ climate/natural resources/energy

Name of legal entity 13 Country Overall project value in € Value in € carried out by the candidate Total man-days allocated to the project


days provided

by the candidate

% of man-days provided by the


Name of client

Origin of funding

Dates start/end







1, 101,


1,232 1,232 100 High Commissariat for Water & Forest and combating Desertification (HCEFLCD Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) 08 /05 /2009-31/12/2013

Detailed description of project

Type of services provided by the legal entity

In Morocco, climate change and human pressure from over grazing and fuel-wood consumption are the predominant causes of significant annual forest degradation. In response to this national concern, the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco has given high priority to addressing forest conservation through interventions in forest production and erosion control in mountainous areas. In 1996 the HCEFLCD, the executive agency responsible for the management of all national forest land in Morocco, created the National Watershed Management Plan (PNABV) in order to implement watershed management operations in 22 top priority watersheds. This project targets 2 of the key watershed areas: the Oued Mellah Watershed and Allal El Fassi Dam Upstream Watershed. Central to the implementation of the plan is the involvement of all stakeholders and it’s implementation through participative and partnership approaches.

The Project’s objective is to restore degraded land and improve the livelihood of local population by carrying out integrated management, including i) afforestation; ii) erosion control; iii) soil and water conservation measures; iv) improving the living conditions of local population, and, through the above, by contributing to natural resources conservation and to poverty alleviation in the two regions concerned by the Project.

The main components of the Project are:

  • Reconstruction of degraded forest ecosystem (Assisted regeneration, afforestation for protection, tending of plantations, sylvicultural works, high density plantations in unstable lands and badlands, forest management study).
  • Improvement of grazing and cultivated lands (Sylvopastoral plantations, regeneration of natural grazing land, fruit trees plantation with erosion control measures, soil improvement, hydro-agricultural management)
  • Treatment of lands affected by rill and gully erosion (Mechanical/biological treatment, masonry/gabion/dry stone check dams)
  • Improvement of forest infrastructure (Nurseries, production of seedlings, construction and maintenance of infrastructures for forest protection: forest road, forest firebreaks, forest houses)
  • Improvement of local population livehoods (Implementation of “Plans de Développement des Douars”-PDD)
  • Equipment for institutional strengthening (Purchase of vehicles/trucks/computers)
  • Consulting services  

The objective of the consulting services is to provide the Executive Agency of the Project with overall managerial and technical assistance for the smooth implementation of the Project and to assist the reinforcement of the institutional capacity of the Executing Agency for the future sustainability of the Project. The consultant team carries out its services in close collaboration with the Project implementation structures set up by the HCEFLCD at central (Cellule), regional (Unité de Gestion du projet/UGP) and local (Unités Opérationnelles de Planification et de Suivi/UOPS) levels.

As a crucial element in achieving the improvement of local population livelihoods, special emphasis is given to the formulation and implementation of the PDDs The role of Animators is very important for the successful implementation of this component. The TA will specifically ensure women’s participation in the consultation for the PDD formulation and execution by providing specific consideration on women’s needs and conditions.

The TA Team which is assisting the HCEFLCD, comprises the following Short-Term experts:

  • A Project Supervisor (6M/m)
  • A national Socio-economist (8 M/m)
  • An International Socio-economist (3 M/m)
  • A International GIS Expert (1 M/m)
  • A national GIS Expert (4 M/m)
  • Animators (641 M/m)

Scope of the Consulting Services:

-             To asses the progress of the project implementation and report to the Cellule and to assist Executive Agency when and if necessary, especially by giving advice in the transfer of know-how.

-             To assist Cellule and UGP to formulate basic concept of optimal GIS utilization for the Project and to assist HCEFLCD to set up monitoring and evaluation of the Project activities.

-               To assist in the selection of the Animators. To establish the implementation program for the formulation of PDD and methodological guidelines. To ensure interface between forest administration and local population. 


[1] The reference numbering must be continuous regardless of the legal entity concerned. Copy the table as many time as you need for the number of references required.

[2] In the case of framework contracts (without contractual value), only specific contracts corresponding to assignments implemented under such framework contracts shall be considered.

[3] As per the sectors identified in the description of the lot referred to in the Procurement notice. For lot 1, where the numbered sector description contains several sectors divided by a slash ("/"), covering one sector is sufficient and the sector must be identified.

Address & Contact info

40, Vatatzi str,

Athens, Greece 


Tel +30 210 7475 950

Email central@vakakis.gr



agriculture development feasibility phil-eco-culture project management